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Posted on: 2004/5/2 7:48
Joined: 2004/3/29
From: Houston, Texas
Posts: 36
What is Budo?
In the opening statement of this website, I define Aikido as a form of "training" that forges mind and body by the use of physical techniques. I think that this is a statement that reflects the definition of Aikido by the Ueshiba family as well. I culled that statement from the book, Best Aikido by Moriteru Ueshiba. Of course, not one out of one hundred joins Aikido understanding that. People come in for weight loss, self defence, and exercise. Those are all good and legitimate reasons to join a martial art. The only people that would do otherwise would be those who had a previous understanding of Japanese martial history of the last two hundred years
Nevertheless, this Japanese martial art is a budo and so is any that ends with the suffix "Do" like Karate-do, Ju-do or Ken-do. The "Do" is the part that signifies that the art is expected to be a form of discipline that will characterise your life and help you to find your true humanity by purging you of ego and leading you to an egoless self. The Japanese freely admit that this is a lifetime pursuit and few claim to have arrived at it. The truth is that we may question if that is even possible. My point is that the Japanese adherents to these arts see them in this way and that must be understood in order to truly understand the things that we feel and experience and we do these arts.
The fact is that all the other reasons that people start off in martial arts will eventually fade and it is probably true that unless we approach Aikido as a budo, we will not be able to continue in it indefinitely. I also believe that this is the reason that you meet some advanced practitioners in this art that are superinflated with ego. This is because at some point, they made their reason for being in it a personal reason like the pride of being a teacher, the control it gives them over other people, a way to show others how good they are, etc.
Aikido as a budo is a way to understand what it means to have a stable and secure center. It is a way to understand the closeness of life and death and how to stand in the face of danger. It is a way to learn about yourself and what is really inside of you. In my opinion, Aikido is not about fighting at all and the martial arts aficionados that come to it looking for a fighting method that will make them invincible will most surely be disappointed.
Posted on: 2004/5/3 22:07
Re: What is Budo?
I totally agree. You see it more and more in a ton of martial arts. Throughout my life and doing martial arts I have noticed many do the sport as an ego thing. "Well I can kick the stuffing out of you cause I am a blah blah blah..." That is not Aikido. The true Aikidoist, from my studies, is the dilligent student who cares nothing of what Aikido will make him (position-wise) but how much the student can learn from the master. Aikido is a combination of academic and martial art. To truly center yourself (in my opinion and please correct me if I am wrong) you must learn techniques and learn about Aikido itself. Be it the history, the philosophy, or the religion itself, to have a better understanding of the background of Aikido can help you grasp Aikido as the martial art. But what drives the main spirit of aikido?
Posted on: 2004/5/5 1:04
Joined: 2004/3/29
From: Houston, Texas
Posts: 36
Re: What is Budo?
Aikido is an art that requires physical involvement and study as well as practical application in daily life. The best book explaining the spirit of Aikido is by Kisshomaru Ueshiba called, The Spirit of Aikido and can be ordered through www.amazon.com or through any local bookstore. It is deep reading but enjoyable once a person has practiced aikido and can relate to what it is about.
Best wishes Aiki son,
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